Alongside the announcement of Destiny 2’s new content structure, players got an extra sprinkle of good news that confirmed a fan-favorite sniper rifle from the original Destiny would soon make the transition to Destiny 2.Â
Bungie has confirmed the Ice Breaker is coming as a part of a new Dungeon that’s also on the way. However, while details are scarce on the Dungeon itself, Bungie had to comment on Ice Breaker, considering it accidentally became a part of the franchise’s 10th Anniversary key art.
The Ice Breaker was an Exotic sniper rifle from the original Destiny. The weapon was unique in that it would slowly regenerate ammo but could never have more than one clip at a time. Ammo pickups also did nothing for the weapon, but kills had a chance to refund ammo and cause enemies to explode — almost like a predecessor to the Firefly Perk.
An upcoming Dungeon delivers Ice Breaker to Destiny 2

On September 9, Bungie made several posts about the future of Destiny and the franchise’s 10-year Anniversary. Prominently featured in the key art for the 10th Anniversary is a Titan holding Ice Breaker. While most of the post goes without any mention of the weapon, Bungie’s communication has one telling line acknowledging Ice Breaker.
The studio said, “As you may have already guessed thanks to our key art, a certain Exotic Sniper Rifle, one considered a myth by many at this point, is resurfacing in the upcoming Dungeon. We’ll share more info at a later date, but we hope this helped…Â break the ice.”
Destiny 2’s Global Community Lead further commented on Ice Breaker’s out-of-the-blue appearance, noting that they hadn’t expected the weapon would be featured in the art. “Also lol when we got the 10th anniversary art we hadn’t considered IceBreaker would be… there! Had a last minute scramble to acknowledge it. Just wait till you get your hands on it via the new dungeon (more details soon…).”
There isn’t much known about this upcoming Dungeon other than the confirmation that it’s coming and seemingly soon. It could very well be that Bungie wasn’t ready to fully announce or tease the Dungeon, but the unexpected art direction forced its hand. Either way, it seems that Guardians will have plenty to look forward to in the near future, between a mysterious new Dungeon experience and the rebirth of one of the most unique weapons the original Destiny ever offered.
Published: Sep 10, 2024 05:00 pm