Nightfall weapons are some of the most sought-after weapons in all of Destiny 2. Each week that rolls around, a new weapon from a pool of six or seven weapons is available from that Nightfall, including its Adept variant. Here’s the god roll for the current Nightfall sword, The Slammer.
The best perks and attachments for The Slammer in Destiny 2

The Slammer is part of the Vortex Frame archetype, which causes heavy attacks to do a spin attack. This damages all enemies around you and is stronger than regular heavy attacks. While this is exciting, it doesn’t change the build we’re rocking much. To get the most out of the sword, you’ll want the following setup:
- Blade: Jagged Edge
- Guard: Balanced Guard
- Perk 1: Eager Edge
- Perk 2: Cold Steel
Jagged Edge is a great blade on just about any sword, giving increased Impact at the cost of less ammo capacity. Given that most DPS phases for bosses end long before you’re out of sword ammo, that’s a worthy tradeoff. Balanced Guard does give good boosts overall, though your Guard isn’t too relevant unless you block with swords a lot. Eager Edge is excellent as a traversal tool or to close the gap, so you should appreciate its utility. And finally, Cold Steel empowers those spin attacks with your heavy to also slow targets. This makes any follow-up hits very easy.
If you want to change certain perks, you can swap Eager Edge for Chain Reaction in ad-clear scenarios. This causes enemies killed by The Slammer to release an elemental damage explosion. You can also swap Cold Steel for Bait and Switch if you want to focus on weaving your other weapons in between sword hits.
Published: Sep 18, 2024 12:31 pm