Destiny 2 game director adds more context to The Final Shape delay

Big things ahead for Destiny 2… perhaps.

After Bungie confirmed that Destiny 2‘s much-anticipated 2024 DLC, The Final Shape, was getting pushed back to early June, the game’s director has decided to add a bit more context. Since Bungie’s been going through a rough patch recently, it shouldn’t be surprising that Joe Blackburn would chime in, too.

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For one, the fact that The Final Shape is being pushed back by a few months means that the Season of the Wish will be a fair bit longer than initially expected. This was the biggest concern that Blackburn appears to have wanted to alleviate, and he did just that by announcing not only the all-new Dungeon, Warlords’ Ruin, but also a bunch of other free content, slated for early 2024.

The Final Shape’s pushback could be a good thing, perhaps

More specifically, Blackburn highlighted that there’d be a PvP map bundle coming to Destiny 2, featuring maps set on Europa, Neomuna, and a Pyramid ship. They are roughly Javelin-4 sized, according to Blackburn, so as to avoid releasing a bunch of long-range PvP maps all at once. For PvE fans, there’s a new series of weekly quests coming to Destiny 2, called Wishes. “I’ll let the folks over on Reddit theorize what they think these Wishes could be,” Blackburn said.

Naturally, the usual suite of seasonal events is coming as expected, though Blackburn did say that the Guardian Games would take up a different format in 2024, featuring a “revitalized focus on class versus class competition.”

The really interesting bit comes at the end, though: “Ultimately, we’re trying to get towards April and May, we’re gonna be talking about a new period of Destiny we’re calling Destiny 2: Into the Light.” Blackburn was, of course, rather cagey about what this is, exactly, promising that more information would be coming as time goes on. He did say, however, that “this is really built not only for the folks that have played Destiny for 5,000 hours, but also for your friends, for your family, for people who are just getting into Destiny and want to prepare for The Final Shape.”

Curious stuff, definitely, though the extent of Into the Light and the specifics of what it is are obviously mysterious at this time. “Please stay tuned,” Blackburn said, promising that more information would be dropping in ahead of The Final Shape‘s release.

There’s some promising stuff in Blackburn’s video, for sure, but it remains to be seen whether Bungie can deliver on all these fronts. With the Season of the Wish featuring some exciting new systems, such as the Fireteam Finder, however, it’s going to be an interesting couple of months.

About The Author
Filip Galekovic
A lifetime gamer and writer, Filip has successfully made a career out of combining the two just in time for the bot-driven AI revolution to come into its own.
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