The second act of Destiny 2’s first episode is now live, bringing with it a bunch of new stuff including new episode activities, story content, and 50 more levels featuring a ton of new loot to acquire. Among the new additions are two new weapons, including a powerful sidearm you’ll want to farm a good roll for. Here’s the god roll for the Aberrant Action sidearm in Destiny 2, including perks and attachments.
The best perks and attachments for the Aberrant Action in Destiny 2

The Aberrant Action joins The Call and Indebted Kindness as the only Rocket-Assisted Frame sidearms in the game. For those unaware, this sidearm frame lowers fire rate but heavily increases the damage and blast radius for all shots. It’s quickly taken over the meta of Destiny 2, and I’ve been using The Call almost exclusively when playing. It’s got some great ammo economy and hits like a truck, making it a worthy Special ammo weapon to run as my main weapon. When it comes to the Aberrant Action, there are a lot of perks and attachment combos you can take to get the most out of it. These are simply the best that we’ve found:
- Launcher Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Appended Mag
- Perk 1: Beacon Rounds
- Perk 2: Incandescent
Volatile Launch immediately grants a larger blast radius, letting those powerful shots clear crowds of ads with ease. Meanwhile, Appended Mag is nice to have with the few extra rounds stored in the magazine. Beacon Rounds is where things start to get interesting, as it can make some of those faster enemies much easier to deal with. Otherwise, Incandescent is great as a budget Dragonfly, applying damage over time to nearby enemies.
It should be noted that while Incandescent is typically the better perk here, those running Solar builds (or Prismatic with Solar grenade/melee) may benefit more from taking Golden Tricorn as the second perk. It all depends on your build and playstyle.
Published: Jul 17, 2024 10:55 am