Deep Down a ways away, not related to Dragon’s Dogma

Should ‘have it at E3 next year’

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During Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveal event, Capcom showed off Deep Down, a game slated for PS4 and running on Capcom’s next-gen engine, codenamed “Panta Rhei.” The game looks positively medieval, not too dissimilar from Capcom property Dragon’s Dogma. There are even dragons. Still, on the Capcom forum, senior VP Christian Svensson put the kibosh on any notions of relation between the two games: “For reference [Dead Rising 3] and Deep Down have nothing to do with Dragon’s Dogma.”

Meanwhile, the Dragon’s Dogma franchise, post Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, is presently persisting as a free-to-play Vita exclusive, Dragon’s Dogma Quest. Capcom is adamant about turning the series into one of its flagship franchises. Maybe Deep Down is something like a spiritual forebearer to Dragon’s Dogma, allowing Capcom to test the next-gen waters and its new engine with a fresh IP before going all in with another Dragon’s Dogma?

On the topic of Deep Down, Svensson noted, “It’s still quite far off. Ono-san tweeted we’d have it at E3 next year.” Could Capcom up and run both games simultaneously despite perceived overlap? Or does having Deep Down at E3 next year back up the notion of it coming out first while Dragon’s Dogma gets a new game announced at the conference?

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Steven Hansen
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