Dead Rising 3 won’t be released in Germany

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

No zombies for the Germans

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Germany’s rating board, the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle, has denied Dead Rising 3 for the country. The news was revealed by Games Welt, and we’ve since confirmed it with Microsoft.

“Dead Rising 3 will not be released in Germany as part of the Xbox One launch line-up on Nov. 22 having been unable to attain an age-rating upon review by BPjM (Bundeprüfstelle für jugendgefährende Medien), the country’s entertainment software self-regulation body,” a Microsoft representative told Destructoid.

“While Microsoft is disappointed with this decision, we respect the views of the review panel and have withdrawn Dead Rising 3 from Germany’s Xbox One launch line-up. Dead Rising 3 will still be available in all other launch markets on 22 November 2013. Beyond that, we have no further comment.”

Sad news for Germans, but then again this shouldn’t be too surprising considering both Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 were denied in the past. 

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