Modifiers change up Trials in Dead by Daylight to make them much more interesting and challenging than the base game, and Chaos Shuffle is like playing with a character and loadout picked with your eyes closed.
Dead by Daylight‘s Modifiers allow players to mix up the basic gameplay for a short period of time. They change Trials in unexpected ways that make the title feel fresh, no matter how many hundreds of hours you’ve poured into it. Chaos Shuffle might be the Modifier that has the biggest impact on a Trial, but not in the way you might expect. This Modifier focuses on your choices, not the environment.
What is the Chaos Shuffle Modifier in Dead by Daylight?

The Chaos Shuffle Modifier assigns players random Perks when they jump into a Trial in Dead by Daylight. This means that carefully curated meta loadouts and picking the best Perks are tactics that players won’t be able to use.
Instead, players will be forced to work with what they’re given. You might get a fantastic loadout of Perks, or you could end up with four you’ve never used and don’t know what to do with. I think it’s going to completely change the way we all play and teach some players that there’s still fun to be had in the game if you don’t choose to rely on the same Perks in every match.
The Modifier will be its own in-game event in Dead by Daylight. It’ll have its own Event Tome, which is perfect for earning additional Rift Pass progress, and challenges to complete. Having these extra rewards makes the Modifier worth engaging with, even if it’s only a little, and will broadcast the new way of playing to a wider audience.
When is the release date for the Chaos Shuffle Modifier in Dead by Daylight?

The release date for the Chaos Shuffle Modifier in Dead by Daylight isn’t known at the time of writing. The Modifier was revealed alongside Tome 19: Splendor, but no firm release window was shared. Behaviour Interactive simply stated in press material that the Modifier is “coming soon.”
The latest roadmap for Dead by Daylight doesn’t go beyond Tome 19 and doesn’t list an in-game event around that Tome’s release. So we can assume that the Chaos Shuffle Modifier is coming after April 2024. Based on how previous in-game events have been spaced out, it looks like the Modifier could launch in May, but that’s also quite close to Dead by Daylight‘s anniversary.
Behaviour Interactive puts on an anniversary event for Dead by Daylight around June each year. I’d still expect that to be the case this year, so it’s difficult to say when the Chaos Shuffle Modifier will be released. Given its proximity, it might even form part of the anniversary event. We’ll have to wait and see.
Published: Apr 23, 2024 03:45 pm