Cyberpunk CCG Glitch Hunter launches today on Kickstarter

Sometimes a change in setting is all that’s necessary to interest new players

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Glitch Hunter is Estonia-based One More Rabbit’s cyberpunk interpretation of the collectable card game for digital platforms. It’s taking the project to Kickstarter today in hopes of raising the $63,000 necessary to make this promising free-to-play CCG a reality.

The game is set in a futuristic, dystopian world where mega-corporations, renegade console cowboys, and vicious street gangs all vie for control of the “Hypernet,” a network through which all of the world of Glitch Hunter‘s commerce, information, and energy is traded.

Glitch Hunter will play out in real-time 1vs1 multiplayer with three available game modes: Casual, Ranked, and Jacked — a special draft mode with an entry fee where players of similar skill levels can take one another on to earn rewards. There’s also a speed chess-like modifier called the Doomsday switch; once enabled, both players receive increased resources, but the game ends if the timer runs out.

One More Rabbit has definitely caught my eye with Glitch Hunter. Its gritty, cyberpunk look and atmosphere are far more inviting to me than the fantasy-centric games I’ve encountered in the CCG genre. If successfully funded, I could easily imagine myself putting in some serious time into the game, especially so because of its free-to-play nature.

You can find out more about the game’s basic mechanics and the various backer rewards on its Kickstarter page; however, if you want a more in-depth explanation of the game’s rules, you can find those here on the Core Game Rules page.

Glitch Hunter [Kickstarter]

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Rob Morrow
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