I’ve heard some pretty ridiculousness nonsense from people attempting to paint videogames in a bad light, but this is definitely in the top ten. Award-winning author Tom Keenan has decided to use Custer’s Revenge, a 26-year old videogame, to talk about modern day gaming issues.
Both British MP Keith Vaz and a Mayor of Boston aide have attempted to convince people that videogames allow players to virtually rape women (Vaz saying these games were on the PSP “or whatever it’s called”), and it seems that someone has finally found a title to support these wild claims — by digging back two decades and then some:
You won’t see strippers suddenly appear [in America’s Army], or be encouraged to rape a virtual character, as happens in the hideous Custer’s Revenge game…
Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone that’s related to stress, so the researchers claim their technique can “cut stress off at the pass,” at least for some people.
Unless of course, you’re busy playing America’s Army or, even worse, Custer’s Revenge. In that case, you’re on your own to manage your stress.
Yup, I’m sure that all of us still regularly play Custer’s Revenge, right? I know I can’t get enough of a game I’ve never seen on a system I’ll never own because it’s older than time itself. I just love the way it’s presented — as if any one of us have an easy chance of accidentally being entangled in Custer’s rape trap and becoming mentally damaged before it’s too late. Think of the children, please! They’re all playing Custer’s Revenge! Don’t get me wrong, the game’s as asinine as it is vulgar, but come on — it’s hardly relevant when talking about modern videogame issues.
Next up, we use the Macintosh 128K to talk about today’s personal computing needs.