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I’m not home at the moment, rather blogging from the road. Normally, this would not matter, as a netbook is really all I need to do this job in short spurts. Then I see a trailer like the one above and suddenly I feel the immense lack of an Xbox 360 in my immediate vicinity.
As soon as I get back home, I’m firing up the 360 to download this Indie Game. Called Crossfire, it’s a sort of Space Invaders clone that adds the ability to hop back and forth between the top and bottom of the screen. And, as you can see, it features co-op gameplay because clearly things weren’t going to be insane enough with just one person involved.
Looks chaotic and fun to me. Crossfire is available now on the Xbox Live Marketplace for 240 MS points.
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Published: Jul 9, 2010 02:00 am