Pounce Light has announced that its free-form scene creator, Tiny Glade, now has a release date. It’s hitting PC on September 14, 2024.
Tiny Glade (I keep writing “Grove”) is a cozy game where you construct little buildings using an impressively intuitive editor. There’s no judgement (no “wrong answers” as the developer says), so the goal is to simply create scenes that please you. Maybe pet the sheep while you’re at it.
The unique hook here is its editor. It’s not grid-based, and features that you place adapt to being morphed. The structure adapts to objects placed, such as windows, so it’s all about plopping and dragging. It’s a game that really sells itself because even watching the trailer and the gifs on the store page is satisfying.
I’m someone whose mind has been polluted enough by modernity that I feel the need to have some sort of progression, and it doesn’t look like Tiny Glade has that, but the creation kit alone has me wanting to play it. Considering the fact that poor life choices have practically ensured that I will never own a home of my own, the idea of being able to easily create one from my imagination is appealing.
Tiny Glade had an impressive demo this past May’s Steam Next Fest. Paula Vaynshteyn gave it a look and came away with a craving for more.
We won’t have to wait long, as Tiny Glade launches on PC September 14, 2024.