Contest: Win a Steam copy of Cattails

There’s a cat fighting ghosts why isn’t this in every game

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This contest is one to purr over: Win a Steam copy of Cattails.

If you visit this here website a lot, you might have noticed that I have something of a similar setup in my contest posts. I like to start with an intro, give some game info, and then end with stuff about the game. I’m going to shake things up a little for this one, though, because today I’ve got a game where you can fight ghosts as a cat.

Come win a copy of Cattails and show those damned ghosts who’s boss.

So, you’re a cat and you do a bunch of cat things, like pounce on frogs and do puzzles and get married. Also, there are a bunch of ghosts and you use your cat claws to swipe at them and defeat them. Because they are ghosts and up to no good and you’re a cat and also up to no good, but you’d like to be doing your no-good deeds without the presence of ghosts. Makes sense, right?

Also you have to like maybe survive and worry about relationships and eating. But honestly, I saw that cat fighting a bunch of dumbass ghosts and knew instantly that I had to have this game.

This is not a drill, dear readers. Those are ghosts and you are a cat, and you must defeat them using your claws. If this doesn’t make you want the game, then I’m afraid we can no longer be friends.

To enter for your chance to win, tell us below why you, a cat, must defeat them, some ghosts.  I, as cats are wont to do, was plotting a way to ruin a human’s favorite piece of furniture when those ghosts showed up. They wanted to haunt the furniture, which of course is impossible to do if the furniture is rendered useless by a cat. Which is what I am. Hence, I scratched them a bunch of times and now they’re dead. Again. Deader? Yeah, deader.

We have five Steam keys to give away. Winners will be drawn on Friday, November 2. Make sure you comment using a Dtoid account that has your current email address on file.

Cattails is available now for Steam. Also, good news! It’s coming to Switch on November 29, 2018. So, you know, you can fight ghosts while on the go. It’s perfect.

About The Author
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Wes Tacos
Contest Baboon, part-time Mod, full-time dick joke specialist. Destructoid's official Hot Biscuits. I've personally backed exactly one KickStarter/crowdfunding project: Sony's PlayStation, by Dtoid community member darrenhupke.
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