The most cooperative game EVER
Get cuffed to your partner in today’s contest for a Steam copy of TwinCop!
I swear, my decision to stick with consoles and not burden myself with the endless struggle of dealing with PC hardware, software, flaccidware, and everything in between keeps coming to bite me in the ass. Look at TwinCop. Just look at it. You just have a harder time finding stuff this strange on consoles.
Alright, PC gamers, come win a copy of this one. Make me jealous, as usual.
It’s the mid-80s in the Twin Cities greater metropolitan area. You’re a pair of cops horribly maimed in a freak pontoon accident. Through the power of science, wonders of human ingenuity, and nonstop lust for justice, you’ve been revived and reborn as TWINCOP.
TwinCop is a cooperative twin-stick shooter where you and a friend each control one half of the TWINCOP’s body. Move together through the streets of Minneapolis to wipe out the crime that haunts that great, very cold city. Moving together is the key to the game, as you’ll both heal and charge your super power, TWINSANITY, when you work together. Fail in your cooperative quest, and the baddies that litter the streets will eat you for lunch.
Just watch out for rogue pontoons out to finish the job.
This game looks ridiculous. And I want you to win it. Do so by commenting below telling us why the pontoon boat tried to kill our city’s greatest heroes. I personally think it’s because they heard this absolute turd of a song:
and made a nasty comment on the YouTube page. But really, this song deserves it. Because it really, really sucks.
We have five Steam keys to give away. Winners will be drawn on Wednesday, May 15. Make sure to comment using a Dtoid account with your current email address on file. New users can sign up here to tell us how much that song sucks!
TwinCop is available now on Steam. You can head over to PC Invasion for more chances to win!