The #1 community manager podcast on Destructoid!
[Communitoid is the Destructoid Community Team’s official podcast. Want to join Aaron, Andy, Beccy,Conor, and Jo on a future episode? Send us an email!]
This episode we have streamer extraordinaire and closet iCarly fan Swishiee as our guest! Beccy, Swishiee and myself share PAX stories, Aaron and Jo make fun of children playing soccer, and Andy gets all kind of pissed off at me even though he wasn’t even on this episode. That’s dedication folks.
In what may be our longest episode ever, we also welcome a boat load of Cblog and forum noobs, Swishiee spied on Gobun while he was pooping, and I reveal myself to be an unkillable monster while Beccy’s father is an unstoppable badass. I wonder who would win in a fight? (Hint: it would not be me)
Click here for the direct download link! You can also subscribe to us on iTunes, RSS, Twitter, and the Cblogs, join our Facebook group, and talk about us in our Forums! Want to know more about anything you heard on the show? Click here for full show notes, including links to everything on Destructoid we discussed!
Thanks for listening! And remember, we’re always looking for people to record audio intros and other bits of fun to work into the show, so feel free! Until next time: Be Better People!
Published: Sep 27, 2013 06:30 pm