Communitoid 001: It Begins

The #1 community manager podcast on Dtoid!

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Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to present to you the first episode of the new Destructoid community manager podcast, Communitoid!

In this inaugural episode, you’ll be soothed by the sexy voices of European Community Manager Beccy Caine, Forum Admins Aaron “Mxy” Yost and Joanna “MOM” Mueller, Community Monster Conor “Jon Bloodspray” Elsea, and little ol’ me as we discuss various community highlights from the week, welcome in newbs, and look back on some of our favorite Dtoid memories. EXCITING!

As the show progresses, we’ll be opening it up to include other community members and community-members-turned-staff. Wanna be on a future episode? Send a request to aaron[@]! You can also record your own “cold open”! Just send in a “Hi, I’m [your name], and you’re listening to Communitoid!” audio file and we’ll make you famous.

Hit the jump for a run-down of everything discussed on this episode, and feel free to give us feedback in the comments! Assuming you like what you hear, you can subscribe to us on iTunes, Libsyn, and Feedburner, and follow us on Twitter! (And here’s the direct link to this episode!)

Thanks for listening!

Spoiler alerts!

Jo spoiled the ending to Mass Effect 3 between 15:15 and 15:30, and Beccy and Conor spoiled A Song of Ice and Fire: A Storm of Swords between 42:20 and 42:50. Thanks a lot, jerks!

Cblogs we discussed:

Podtoid fan-art (also, hello world) by BeatBeat *NSFW*
A tribute to “Shadow of the Colossus” by wquach
Introducing the Dtoid Book Club! by Conrad Zimmerman
The Write Stuff of September – Loud and proud by StriderHoang

Forum threads we discussed:

What games are YOU currently playing?
The Cinema / Rate the last movie you saw
Other Television Series Thread
Books, motherf*ckers
How did you find Destructoid???
2012 Completed Games Thread
The Horror Thread
This Month in the Community Suggestions/Recommendations Thread
Pax East 2013 Hotel Reg is up…

Front page posts we discussed:

Simon Pegg endorses ‘Left 4 Winchester’ mod
Contests: Win a Wii U

Other random stuff we discussed:

How Mxy won a PS3: FOOTBALL!!!


Our break song was “Reformat the Planet” by Bit Shifter.

Special thanks to Adam AcH ( and for creating our opening and closing themes, to ZombiePlatypus for drawing our show logo (coming soon!), to knutaf for his technical assistance, to Niero for payin’ the bills, and to community warshark Hamza Aziz for keeping us all in line!

About The Author
M Randy
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