Comments of the week: P1 touch P1 to start edition

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Comments of the Week is a feature where we scour the front page, community blogs and forums picking out comments. The ones that make you think, the ones that make you laugh and the ones that make you cry (but also laugh), and consolidate them into an entertaining package for the viewing pleasure of you, the Destructoid community. 

Mark your calenders! Comments of the Week will be coming at you every Sunday at 12:30 CST, ensuring you follow your Sunday morning rituals with a healthy dose of comment recap goodness, just bursting full of electrolytes and friendly bacteria! 

Comments will fall into three categories: 

TRUTH: Les mots justes. 

LOL: Le fou rire. 

WUT? Qu’est-ce que c’est? 

Now the rules are clear, let’s get started: 

From Dust 514 to demand ‘cover charge’ from PS3 players 

Because then you’ll know exactly how much you need to pay to get the game, and where’s the fun in that? 

From Destructoid Community Soundtrack (07/?? Completed)! 

If you don’t know who AlphaDeus is, or what he is doing, I recommend clicking on the link above the comment and rectifying that. 

From Let’s be muddy buddies 

More weird British people? Ugh. 

From Depression thread, what takes you out of the dumps and what’s been bugging you? 

I feel for djnealb, because I bet he’ll be finding it hard to give comics up, but I doubt he’ll be getting much sympathy because he’s not trying to give up cigarettes or crack. 

From Crytek: PS Vita might launch too late to succeed 

ProTip: For wisdom and cutting through the crap, bet on the guy with the “TaleSpin” avatar. 

From Dark Souls screens coax sperm out of my jolly erection 

Will Jim’s seminal discharge hold the key to the “Dark Souls” within the game? You will have to check Jim’s carpet and wait until the game is released in October to find out! 

From Super Mario Bros: Run finishes with only 600 points 

If your man jacks off to Super Mario Bros. low score runs… 

From Mark Rein: PC has ‘shot by’ consoles 

All jokes aside, losing a wiener affects dozens of curious and clumsy men operating around heavy machinery every day. Please give to a local cause that supports these brave wienerless and their plight. Thank you. 

From Seriously, we need to be making a bigger deal of this 

Not only could you lose your wiener, but you’ll be voiding the warranty on your octocannon. I do not recommend your suggestion. 

From Computer learns English so it can play Civilization 

32BitSin wins a throat punching! Congratulations? 

From Another new intern saying “What Up Players?” – Marc Paris 

You can trust Handy, he’s a qualified doctor! 
Well, that’s what he told me anyway… 

From The Bar 

Don’t worry Changston, you’re actually right on time. 

From You Laugh, You Lose 

Get it? It’s funny because blind people. 

From What is your “shooting” song 

Yes this comment is over a week old. So shoot me. 
To the Sesame Street theme tune. 

From Animated GIFs thread 

I’m pretty sure it’s Dustin Hoffman. Such a versatile actor! Did you know he played Hook in “Hook”? True story! 

From Dtoid vet, forum noob 

Seriously, what is that Hatman’s problem? 

From Steam gets Breath of Death VII, Cthulu Savs The World 

Feel like other people are enjoying games that you don’t? Want to do something about it? Don’t worry guys, the internet’s got your back. 

From Zelda producer wants to make something that’s not Zelda 

Aonuma: Miyamoto-san, I have a great idea for a new IP! 

Miyamoto: That’s great! Substitute “new IP” for “new Zelda game” and let’s hear it! 

From Review: Ocarina of Time 3D Official Soundtrack 


Please don’t stare too long. I cannot guarantee you could break the hypnotic trance if you did. 

From Cliffy B: Wii U haters ‘talk sh*t’ but will buy it anyway 

Remember: Haters of Nintendo get 20% off any meal deal purchase at Subway, conditional on submission of an authentic “Haters of Nintendo” membership card. 

Also, seriously, if mattrodroid gets any more mattrodroid he will evolve into Mattrodroid Prime. When that happens…may the fates be kind to us. 

From More L.A. Noire content on the way, ‘game isn’t complete’ 

So, you’ve played L.A. Noire‘s hot coffee mod too? 

From No demo for the Elder Scroll V Skyrim 

So you could tempt people sitting on the fence into a purchase, maybe? I think that’s how demos work… 

Enjoy the comments, please tip your waiter, and tune in for some more Comments of the Week, this time next week.

About The Author
Sean Daisy
More Stories by Sean Daisy