Comments of the week: Gnilretsmij

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Personally, I welcome our new overlord. 

Comments of the Week is a feature where we scour the front page, community blogs, forums, social media and nutritional information labels picking out comments. The ones that make you think, the ones that make you laugh and the ones that make you cry (but also laugh), and consolidate them into an entertaining package for the viewing pleasure of you, the Destructoid community. 

Comments will fall into three categories: 

TRUTH: High Five 

LOL: Triple High Five Backflip Headspin 

WUT? Genital High Five in a crowded shopping mall 

From Twitter 

Congratulations to Andy and the Astruc family (now +1!) 

From The Daily Hotness: Singing dogs are endless entertainment 

There are more English people than you think. 
Here are some more people that are English, that you may have thought weren’t: 

Christian Bale 
The guy who plays House (Hugh Laurie) 
Rick Astley 
Mischa Barton 
Kim Cattrall 
Olivia Newton-John 
Wentworth Miller 
Jane Seymour 
Naomi Watts 
George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston 

From Jim Sterling 

There may well be more James T. Sterling facts next week! Assuming Jim hasn’t exacted his revenge upon us by then. 

From BioWare details January-bound Mass Effect 3 demo 

Maybe I’m more astute than some, but I can totally tell the difference: 

From Twitter 

Hence why so many porn stars started out in IT, presumably?

From A Tale of Two Cities 

You don’t need to be a detective to figure out that this parody was genius. 

From Review: PAYDAY: The Heist 

jimmyx must have one of those fancy keyboards where you can set your Caps Lock to “Intermittent”. 

From Facebook 

Wait, Jimi Catapiller is not totally on board with the idea of next-gen gaming? I hope that Sony and Microsoft have both been informed. 

From BlizzCon11: Diablo III headed to consoles, no public beta 

We all get irritated by butthurt from people like Agent 47, right? Well I’ve found out who to blame: 


“Dame Mollygos is one of the greatest minds of our generation” -Aurain [aka The Bear King]

From The Bar 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go off and make more images of Jim Sterling crossed with Ekans. See you next week. 

About The Author
Sean Daisy
More Stories by Sean Daisy