CityVille is Zynga’s most successful launch yet

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Zynga has revealed some numbers regarding the launch of their latest time-sink, CityVille, and the company seems to be showing more momentum than ever. In the first 24 hours of being live on Facebook, CityVille attracted over 290,000 players. That’s over twice as well as FrontierVille performed when it hit the service in June.

AppData, an independent research site which tracks social games and their developers, currently lists CityVille as having 1.2 million monthly active users. It has a long way to climb if it wants to catch up with its brothers. According to AppData’s research FrontierVille currently has 30 million players monthly while FarmVille scores a staggering 54 million.

Several of us at Destructoid, against our better judgment, have hopped on the train to CityVille. We’ll have some reports on how that’s going in the near future.

Zynga has its best launch ever with CityVille social game [VentureBeat]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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