Yeah, they didn’t really give me a free lovely v2 Street Fighter IV FightStick. Not a real one, anyway. I’m not one of the famous Street Fighter champs that they send the free units to. We might get one for review later, but for now I got this little thing to hold me over.
It’s a keychain. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Why is he blogging about a keychain? Because I can. And I think it’s pretty cool. This one has a little hidden hex key inside, as you’ll see in the gallery below. Slide it out, fix your rig, and get back to life.
Back to the stick and the Do Wantness. I hovered around it like a lost puppy that thinks he found his front door. No reaction for this pup. Whimper. Famitsu shows up at Mad Catz’s meeting room and says that they love the old stick. They let that doggie inside, surely.