To say there are a lot of powers to collect in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow would be putting it lightly. Every single enemy you fight has a power that can drop. However, if you want that sweet 100% collection, there are a few secret souls you’ll need to collect.
These souls belong to creatures referred to as “UMA,” or Unidentified Mysterious Animal. In more common terms, you’ve probably heard them referred to as Cryptids. These are creatures that are said to exist but have no concrete proof that they do. In Dawn of Sorrow, three cryptids are known to roam the villain’s hideout. You’ll need to use information from the UMA News articles to find and attract a Yeti, Flying Humanoid, and Mothman.
Where to find Yeti’s Soul
You’ll find the Yeti lurking about in the very first “room” of the game. It’s actually an outdoor area, and he’ll be skulking in the forested background. You can’t reach back there and get him; you’ll have to lure him out with some delicious food.
To lure him out, you’ll need to get the soul from a Waiter Skeleton. They’re mostly found in the Demon Guest House. Waiter souls are hard to obtain because the cowardly bone bags will throw a plate of food at you and run away. You’ll need something to either stop them, like a petrifying ability, or a heavy club to crush their weakness. Once you have a good system, it’s time to kill them over and over again until one of them drops their soul.

With your new power, go back to that opening area in The Lost Village. Use the Waiter Skeleton soul to throw some delicious curry down onto the ground. The Yeti will smell it immediately and leap out of the background to grab a bite. The only problem is that the food is too spicy! The Yeti will take damage trying to eat it, and then immediately retreat to the background again. Attacking him before he gets the curry will also spook him off. You’ll have to use a similar tactic on him as you did with the Waiter Skeleton. He is weak to fire, so if you have a flame sword or ability, that should help take him down.
Yeti’s soul is a unique Guardian power that summons a… “white orb of dark power that grows as it rolls.” It’s a snowball. It makes a snowball that you can move along the ground, and it gets bigger as you go. It’s not the most useful, but it is pretty fun!
Where to find the Flying Humanoid’s soul

The second soul belongs to a creature referred to as the Flying Humanoid. It’s difficult to get a good look at exactly what it is. However, it shouldn’t be too hard to miss it drifting in the sky behind the clock tower. At the top of the Cursed Clock Tower, between the Save Room and Boss Room, you’ll see a small figure flying in the distance. It appears to be vulnerable to sonic attacks, and so you’ll need the help of the Mandragora Soul to defeat it.
The Mandragora soul is best found scattered around the Garden of Madness. They look like Une and Corpseweed until they pop out of the ground. They’ll quickly let out an ear-rupturing scream and explode. Sadly, you only get kill credit if you defeat them BEFORE they self-destruct. The best place to farm them is on the map below because they share a room with another soul you need later. Farming both Mandragora and the lightning bird Rycuda is a great time saver. But more on that in the next section.

Once you have the Mandragora, take it back to the top of the Cursed Clock Tower and summon the screaming root. It’ll cause the Flying Humanoid to explode in the distance, sending its soul spiraling towards you. You can technically farm this soul, but it doesn’t get more powerful past the first one.
The Flying Humanoid’s soul is a Guardian type that gives you an Intellect and Luck bonus when activated. Soma will sprout some cool-looking wings to let you know when it’s active, but it drains your mana rather quickly. It’s a helpful tool when farming souls and rare items off of enemies.
Where to find Mothman’s Soul
My personal favorite cryptid, Mothman, is a bit more elusive than the other two souls. It’s a little less obvious where he’s hiding, as you don’t see him until he’s summoned. To do so, you’ll need that Rycuda soul I mentioned earlier. It grants you the ability to throw lightning bolts around, which is both a great weapon and a useful tool.

Mothman is a late-game soul found in The Pinnacle of the Castle. There’s a long hall under the biggest room in the area. You’ll know you’re in the right place if there are two Final Guards in it. You can find a generator and a large spotlight sitting dormant between them. You’ll have to use Rycuda’s lightning power to restore the machine to working conditions. If it doesn’t work immediately, make sure to hit the machine with the lightning’s tip. Doing so summons the Mothman, allowing you to acquire his soul. He should drop it on the first kill.
Mothman’s soul grants you a buff to your EXP. Combine it with the Shaman Ring for an extremely quick level gain!
Published: Aug 31, 2024 10:07 am