Capcom teases new Monster Hunter 4 details at TGS

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Next week’s Tokyo Game Show will be the first time gamers can get their hands on Monster Hunter 4. That’s already huge for the show, and I expect the lines to be insane. But now there’s a tease on an announcement of some ‘surprising information’ at one of the stage events

The stage event will have the game’s development staff showing off MonHun4‘s new systems and actions, says Andriasang. And then something else. Something amazing, Capcom says. Stay tuned, as we’re currently packing for the flight to Tokyo. 

What could it be? Not a Vita port.

Those that manage to get through what’s sure to be a 3 hour+ line on public days will get a fancy Monster Hunter 4 bag, as shown in our gallery. 

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Dale North
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