You know, just moments ago I wrote a post about Capcom and a SSFIV-branded HDTV. It was a journey of incredulity, disbelief, and finally acceptance. Like a couple hadokens followed by a hearty serving of pound cake, I am ready to let the Capcom smorgasbord of capitalistic offerings wash over me. You honestly just have to roll with it.
And goodness gracious, there is an overflow of Capcom related goodies over at Zazzle. In an interesting collaboration (via Capcom Unity) between the two companies, fans are now able to make merchandise ranging from buttons to t-shirts to skateboards. As far as game merchandise goes, this is actually pretty cool, as gamers can make stuff branded with Moster Hunter Tri, a bunch of classic Capcom games like Captain Commando, Bionic Commando, 1942, Red Earth, the original Street Fighter among plenty of others, as well as the lesser appreciated Rival Schools and Power Stone. Prices are about right, and some of the stuff comes across as a little classier than the “ironic” and “funny” gaming t-shirts from your local Hot Topic or Target.