Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Beginner's Guide
Image via Activision

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Beginner’s Guide

These tips will help you gain an advantage on the battlefield.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is one of the best in the series, thanks to the new omni-movement system and its fantastic maps. In this Black Ops 6 beginner’s guide, we’ll give you the best multiplayer tips to keep that K/D higher than your competition.

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Get the proper equipment, soldier!

Before you step into the battlefield of Call of Duty Black Ops 6, you should have the right headset on. It will dramatically improve your performance as you can hear enemy footsteps behind you, and you’ll be more ready to attack at a moment’s notice. You can also listen out for enemy equipment like scramblers, which make an annoying ring in the distance. This is a great way to spot them. If you don’t have a headset on or you’re listening to loud rap music in the background, for example, you won’t be able to key into these clues.

The Acoustic Amp is also a solid field upgrade in tactical game modes as it makes enemy footsteps around you louder for a duration.

Mark your enemies

In team-based modes like Search & Destroy, it’s essential to communicate with your team for success. A great way to do that is to mark an enemy if you spot them. While playing on a controller, double tap the up D-Pad button to summon a red marker on the UI. Additionally, you can mark enemy equipment by tapping the same button once. This will give you a tactical advantage.

Bring out your knife

If you want to run faster or use a quick weapon to take out foes, you can bring out your knife. Simply hold the melee button (usually hold the right analog stick) to have your soldier bring it out.

Use the right attachments

The weapons you choose may not have the right attachments on. Make sure you read the weapon’s description and read its weaknesses. For example, the Model L has a slow rate of fire. To counter that, you can equip the Reinforced Barrel to improve its firepower. The 5.56 NATO Overpressured Fire Mod also helps with that issue. Focus on the gun’s positives and negatives, and try to make the best gun imaginable with the attachments available to you. You can read our loadout guides too.

The Combat Specialty system in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is a game changer
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Take advantage of the perks and specialty system

The perks and specialty system in Black Ops can be a game-changer. If you want to pick a stealthy build, Recon perks are the best. Ghost lets you be undetectable by enemy Scout Pulse and UAV when moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks. Ninja also lets you move more quietly around the map. Tracker lets you see enemy footsteps as well.

If you have all three perks of the same color, you’ll gain a specialty. The Recon specialty lets you see enemies through walls after you respawn, and a HUD edge indicator flashes when an enemy is outside your view. Additionally, the Recon specialty stops death skulls from showing up when you kill foes.

FOV Slider in Black Ops 6
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Change the FOV Slider

The default FOV (Field of View) can be restricted to those who want a wider angle of the action. Many stick with the default field of view and stay oblivious. In the settings, you can change the Field of View to give you a wider look into the battlefield, letting you see enemies quickly. Go to the Graphics section of the options menu, and then switch to the View tab. I have it set to 116, but it’s entirely up to you. You can make the weapon look smaller as well by picking Wide in the Weapon Field of View option. Tinker around with these settings until you get a great advantage on the action.

Use your XP tokens and play during Double XP events

During Double XP events, your progression will increase two-fold. The timing of these events is often shared on social media and official Call of Duty accounts, such as on X.

You’ll also gain double XP tokens from the battle pass, and it’s sometimes easy to forget they’re there. While on the main menu (or even while in-game on the menu), press the left analog stick and you can select a variety of double XP tokens for your level, weapon, and battle pass. During a double XP event, unfortunately, you can’t quadruple your XP rate.

Best trap placement and defensive tips

While placing traps like Shock Charges, for example, you’ll want to make sure they’re set in the right position. You don’t want them out in the open. Instead, try to find a cheeky spot like the top of a staircase or behind closed doors. Blast Traps are your friends in this instance. On that note, it’s best to close doors behind you so you can hear when an enemy is appearing behind you or around the room.

Weapon blueprints are awesome for getting XP
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Use weapon blueprints while levelling up

To close out this Black Ops 6 Beginner’s Guide, you should use weapon blueprints while leveling up your guns in the game. Rather than having a gun with no attachments at the beginning of the process, you’ll have increased stats. For example, the Boomslang weapon blueprint for the Marine SP improves your accuracy and handling quite dramatically. Once you have the attachments you want unlocked, you can then make your own perfect loadout.

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Image of Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell
Chris is a writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.