There’s a whole lot of uncertainty in the Destiny 2 community as of late, and for good reason. 2025’s content structure is basically yet another humongous revamp, which really could go either way. Thankfully, the Raids and the Dungeons are still on the docket to some extent.
Specifically, Bungie finally chimed in on how Raids and Dungeons will be handled from Frontiers onwards. The good news is that they’re not entirely foregoing this content (I feel that’d be suicidal, honestly), but the bad news is that there will be a fair bit less of it. As per Bungie’s latest blog post, we can expect one new Raid and one new Dungeon every year, and that’s about it. This is, in effect, 50% of Bungie’s current endgame content output, though it’s not an entirely black-and-white sort of situation.

One Raid and Dungeon per year in Destiny 2: Frontiers
More specifically, Bungie’s Raid output over the past few years has included re-releases of old Raids and entirely new Raid content. Dungeon-wise, we’ve been getting two per year, though their quality did vary a fair bit, too. As of Frontiers, the first DLC of the year will feature a Raid, while the second will feature a Dungeon. Conversely, the first DLC’s seasonal content update will expand upon its featured Raid, while the second will have a Pantheon-style event that leverages legacy Raids and Dungeons.
It’s not the worst thing to happen to Destiny by a long shot, but it’s not the best, either. The silver lining is that Bungie will no longer use the infamous Dungeon Key system to monetize the content further. Instead, the annual Dungeon will be tied to purchasing the second DLC.
To Bungie’s credit, the blog claims that the first DLC’s seasonal content update may even include entirely new Raid encounters. This is quite unprecedented, as we’ve never seen a Raid get such a (potentially) substantial upgrade after its initial release. Combine this with the new Feats challenge system and you’ve got something really promising. Maybe.
None of this is to say that Frontiers will be a total wash. The fact that Bungie is being this specific about how content is going to work from 2025 onwards is a good thing, and a single Raid and a single Dungeon could carry the game forward and keep things engaging for veterans if Bungie pulls this off right. Will the studio be able to do so, though?
As for myself, I did have my dreams about what Destiny could be, but those are all gone by now. I’m not sure yet whether I’ll be back to get hands-on time with Frontiers, and the current episodic format has lost my attention entirely. A toss-up, then, wherever I look.
Published: Sep 26, 2024 09:17 am