Brutal Legend and Destructoid Twitter party is a GO!

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Destructoid cordially invites all readers to our second Twitter Party Extravaganza, and you don’t even have to bring beer. At 3pm Central (RIGHT NOW) to 5pm Central, Twitter will be set aflame by talk of THE METAL and all things concerning Double Fine’s hotly anticipated action game, Brütal Legend. It’s ridiculously easy to take part.

Simply head on over to Twitter and take part in discussions with @BrutalLegend, @Dtoid, @Jim_Sterling and @Dinomas while using the hashtag #brutallegend. Those taking part will have a chance to win some amazing prizes, such a Eddie Riggs limited edition statues (five to give away), prize packs including stickers and patches (twenty-five to give away) and our top gift, a PS3 Slim!

There are two ways to win: You can follow @Dinomas and answer specific questions, or you can just Tweet like crazy and get one from our random draw. Hedge your bets by Tweeting as much as possible, using the all-important hashtag. You can also keep track of the discussions by using a service like Tweetgrid. The statues and prize packs will be open to international readers, but the PS3 Slim will be NTSC only. 

The last time we did this, we became a trending topic, demonstrating the power of the Destructoid community. I am sure we can do it again (especially since I’ve had over 200 new Twitter Followers since the party was announced) so let’s dive in and have fun. See you there! 


About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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