Brutal Legend action figure is totally metal

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We don’t know designer Eddie Booze, but we’re guessing he has a thing for Brutal Legend. And who doesn’t at this point? Brutal Legend appears to be a solid action title with a bunch of style and a sprinkle or two of cleverness. It’s the latter of the descriptors that interests some of us the most, and perhaps Booze as well.

Pictured above is a custom Eddie Riggs action figure, created by Booze. The character, the deliverer of many humorous lines and possessor of numerous over-the-top features, almost begs for a toy inspired by it. Equipped with a wicked axe, a musical axe, tons of leather, and even a spiked arm guard, the figurine looks ready to rock. Hell, even the detail is great — check out those biceps, people. This thing is metal to the maxx (which is to say, more metal than me-tal).

[via Toy Cutter]

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Brad BradNicholson
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