Brink AI allegedly indistinguishable from human players

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We’ve heard countless boasts about powerful AI in videogames over the years, and they have always turned out to be total bunk. Nevertheless, Splash Damage has decided to convince us that one of gaming’s most repeated lies is actually true this time, claiming that human-grade AI is part of upcoming shooter Brink

“Our AI is capable of doing literally every action that you can,” hypes creative director Richard Ham. “Brink‘s AI has to be great because of the way we blend single player and multiplayer gaming seamlessly. At any time, you could be playing against AI or against other human players, and our goal is that you can’t tell the difference.

“Not only are the enemies more ruthless and surprising, but your teammates are more self reliant and useful. In Brink, you won’t have to babysit your AI squad mates and make sure they do their jobs. Actually, if you’re not doing well, they’ll babysit you!”

Very bold claims indeed, and definitely bold considering this is one of the most overused and consistently false claims in the history of videogame PR. If Brink can pull it off, more power to them, but I am skeptical. Still, the game looks absolutely gorgeous and fun regardless, so I’m none too worried about how intelligent the baddies are. 

Brink – Q&A with Richard Ham [Skewed & Reviewed]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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