Bring the Kenergy to Baldur’s Gate 3 with Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa Wardrobe

Put that manly hand in mine.

ken glasses in baldurs gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an amazing RPG , encouraging players to choose their own path and consider choices both big and small. Now, thanks to its dedicated modding scene, the game offers a worthwhile lesson to you and your party—to realize that you are all Kenough.

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Thanks to mod author lokelaniii, any Baldur’s Gate 3 PC player can download Ken’s Mojo Dojo Wardrobe from Nexus Mods and start dressing their party like they’re straight out of the Barbie Movie. There are five top options to choose from: an honest-to-goodness pair of jorts, white bellbottoms, some sparkly cowboy boots, and a matching pair of sparkly glasses and hat to complete the look. Your enemies will never know what hit them because they’ll be blinded by your sequinned splendor.

Everyone is Kenough with Ken’s Mojo Dojo Wardrobe in Baldur’s Gate 3

astarion in kens cowboy boots in baldurs gate 3
Image via Astariel on Twitter

This mod can completely transform a playthrough in Baldur’s Gate 3 in the best way. Let’s face it: we all care about how our character looks and what everyone else in and out of the party back at camp is wearing, too. It’s genuinely distracting if a character hasn’t changed their outfit for a day or so, and we’ve all stripped everyone down to their underwear to see the wide range the game has to offer.

I first spotted the mod thanks to Astarial on Twitter, who has posted three absolutely amazing images of Astarion donning an “I am Kenough”crop top, some cowboy boots with purple sequin highlights, and the best-looking pair of jorts I’ve ever seen in a video game.

If you download Ken’s Mojo Dojo Wardrobe for your next playthrough, then make sure you read through the notes carefully. The cosmetics are available for BT2, BT4, and BT2 Githyanki, and the glasses are a character creation item, so you’ll need to use the Appearance Edit Enhanced mod to get them onto your companions.

Once installed, you’ll find all the modded clothing in the tutorial chest. If you have any issues, then you can reach out to the mod author on the Nexus Mods page through the Discord link there. They say you need to have some level of experience with Baldur’s Gate 3 mods to get this one working, but I think the end result more than justifies any amount of effort and learning you’ve got to put in.

ken outfit photograph in baldurs gate 3
Image via Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa Wardrobe Mod

Even for those without the context of the Barbie Movie who don’t understand what “I am Kenough” means, it’s still a fun piece to try. I think the outfits look amazing and fit in the game world surprisingly well. They don’t look wet or clip through character models too much like other mods, and I could imagine that if you don’t look too closely until you reach a conversation or cutscene, you might even forget your characters are wearing them until you burst out laughing while being threatened by a group of angry Goblins.

About The Author
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Jamie is a Staff Writer on Destructoid who has been playing video games for the better part of the last three decades. He adores indie titles with unique and interesting mechanics and stories, but is also a sucker for big name franchises, especially if they happen to lean into the horror genre.
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