If you want to level up your professions in Brighter Shores faster, you’ll have to focus on something called Passive Activities and how they work inside the game.
There are over 15 different professions currently available in Brighter Shores, and you unlock them gradually by playing the game. You can also level them up by performing various types of tasks that match their corresponding profession. However, leveling up certain professions can be harder, and that’s where Passive Activities can have some huge advantages.
How do Passive Activities work in Brighter Shores
Passive Activities do precisely what their names suggest, and they make your in-game grind easier. Typically, you unlock a profession and level it up by performing a task. So, if you’re trying to level up as a Fisherman, you’ll want to catch fish. The same applies to all other professions as well.
Passive activities help you automatically gain XP for a particular profession. This allows you to use your energy to level up other professions. The passive XP that you gain in this fashion will also unlock different rewards that are applicable as you level up a profession.
The XP that you gain with Passive Activities works at a slower rate. Gaining XP with the help of activities that you directly perform will always work faster and help you level up quicker. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the passive system is useless. In fact, it allows you to gain XP and rewards even when you’ve logged out.
As much as you may love Brighter Shores, it’s impossible to play non-stop throughout the day. This passive growth system will ensure that you keep gaining valuable XP and rewards even when you’re not playing the game (although the pace of obtaining them might be slower).
To get more Passive Activities, you’ll need something called Knowledge Points. You will gain this item as you keep leveling up your professions (you can check your progression from the Professions tab). Once you have gained a Knowledge Point, you can invest it to unlock a new Passive Activity.