Brick bronze Legacy Official Art
Image via Bronze Legacy

Brick Bronze Legacy codes (January 2025)

Get the latest Brick Bronze Legacy codes and redeem them for free resources that will help you progress faster!

Updated: January 3, 2024

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What GameFreak won’t do, a Roblox developer will. Brick Bronze Legacy is a Pokémon tribute game where you undertake a classic Pokémon journey. Choose your starter, high-five your professor, and walk in some tall grass for hours. For extra goodies on your adventure, you’re gonna need codes.

Brick Bronze Legacy will grant you Pokéballs, potions, and Pokédollars, among other goodies. However, you should try to redeem them fast because the codes for this game tend to expire quickly. If you play more Pokémon-inspired Roblox games, check out our list of Project Polaro codes to get even more goodies and freebies.

All Brick Bronze Legacy codes list

Active Brick Bronze Legacy codes 

  • EarlyGame—Redeem for 20 Pokeballs, 10 Super Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Full Heals, 10 UMV Batteries, 20k Pokedollars, 100 BP, and 1,000 Tix
  • MidGame—Redeem for 10 Quick Balls, 10 Full Heals, 10 Revives, 10 Hyper Potions, 30k PokeDollars, 100 BP, and 1,000 Tix
  • EndGame—Redeem for 10 UMV Batteries, 1 Macho Brace, 1 Ability Capsule, 1 Ability Patch, 100k PokeDollars, 200 BP, and 2,000 Tix
  • BreederPack—Redeem for Destiny Knot, Everstone, Soothe Bell, 2,000 Tix, and 80 BP

Expired Brick Bronze Legacy codes

  • PVPTime
  • AwesomePeople
  • 50KMembers
  • GreenieExterminator
  • ScrubNuker
  • NoGreeniesAllowed
  • GreeniesNeedBitches
  • GreeniesNeedGrass
  • TemuRay
  • CatchRay
  • EidMubarak
  • PirateBunny
  • ThanksForSupport
  • RamadanLastNights
  • RamadanPhase2
  • GreenieControl
  • RamadanIsHere
  • 2v2Fix
  • 30kMembers
  • JBoat
  • Thanksfor29k
  • 22K
  • 21K
  • 20K
  • 19K
  • Valentino
  • PBR
  • Crazy8k
  • GoldButBlue
  • WeCookin
  • SheTrynaBeThor
  • RaidTime
  • InfraredOnTop
  • BreederPack

Related: Pet Catchers codes

How to redeem codes in Brick Bronze Legacy

Redeeming codes in Brick Bronze Legacy is simple. Just follow our guide:

Brick Bronze Legacy How to redeem codes
Screenshot by Destructoid
  1. Launch Brick Bronze Legacy on Roblox.
  2. Press the Settings button in the main menu.
  3. Go to Page 2.
  4. Enter the code in the text box at the top of the menu.
  5. Press Enter on your keyboard and enjoy your goodies.

How to get more codes in Brick Bronze Legacy

If you want to get the latest Brick Bronze Legacy codes, your best bet is to bookmark this article. We search for the latest active codes every day.

However, if you want to search for freebies on your own, which will take longer, you can join the official Bronze Legacy Discord server and follow the Space Journeys Roblox group.

Why are my Brick Bronze Legacy codes not working?

Your Brick Bronze Legacy codes can stop working for multiple reasons. One possible reason could be typos. Codes consist of special characters, capital letters, and numbers, so typos are bound to happen. We recommend copying the codes from this article and pasting them directly into the game.

Another possible reason why your codes are not working could be their expiration dates. Most codes last for only a set period of time, so make sure to use them as soon as possible.

Where can I play Brick Bronze Legacy?

Brick Bronze Legacy is a game that gets removed and re-uploaded on Roblox fairly often. Don’t worry—your save data will be kept safe and secure with each re-upload. Just remember to save often cause the game doesn’t have an autosave feature.

Other ways to get free rewards in Brick Bronze Legacy

Besides using Brick Bronze Legacy codes to get valuable resources, you can get freebies the old-fashioned way. Defeating enemies, grinding in tall grass, and completing side missions will all grant you Pokédollars, potions, and some secret items as well.

What is Brick Bronze Legacy?

Brick Bronze Legacy is an incredible tribute game that showcases the beauty of old-school Pokémon games. Complete your Pokédex, evolve your creatures, and make the perfect team to collect all the badges and defeat all the legendary beasts.

If you want even more freebies for your other games, look through our Roblox Codes section here on Destructoid and nab all the codes before they expire!

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Image of Danilo Grbovic
Danilo Grbovic
Danilo Grbović is an esteemed code writer for GAMURS and a recognized authority in the gaming world. His status as a certified weeb is backed by extensive knowledge and expertise in anime, especially in sourcing codes for Anime Roblox Games with unmatched proficiency. Having honed his skills in gaming to the extent of metaphorically speedrunning Sonic 3 & Knuckles prenatally, he embodies gaming prowess. Known for his insightful commentary on Silent Hill 3 and Nier Replicant, his opinions are valued by gamers who appreciate depth and nuance.