Brash eats kryptonite, Factor 5’s unannounced Superman title in limbo

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Brash Entertainment, a publisher specializing in movie-to-game licenses, is experiencing quite the financial problem. According to a Variety report, Brash has tossed 20 staff members and could be cashing in on licenses to make up for its financial woes. Among the estimated dead is Factor 5’s unannounced Superman title.

In a statement Brash would only commit to having two titles in the works since the layoffs, Six Flags: Fun Park and Saw. That leaves a ton of games (reportedly around forty) flapping in the financial breeze. Interestingly, the source for the report revealed that Factor 5 was working on a Superman title. Last year, Factor 5 announced that they were collaborating on a project with Brash that would not be finished until 2010 and wouldn’t be uncovered until later this year.

Something tells us this isn’t quite the reveal that Factor 5 was looking for. There is hope on the horizon for Superman and the mess of other titles reportedly being sold. Ghostbusters just taught us that strong properties could hop around publishers and still get a happy ending. Let’s hope Superman makes a return.

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Brad BradNicholson
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