Bomberman Live add-on sneak peak: Fear and Bombing in Las Vegas

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Destructoid loves Las Vegas, and we also kind of thought Bomberman Live was “Totally Decent.” So the subtle combination of the two is a recipe for magic. Hudson sent along a small glimpse of what’s in store for an upcoming Bomberman Live add-on pack … Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Bomberman!

Chosen over the likes of “Senior Citizen Playing Slots Bomberman” and “Cheap Elvis Imitation Bomberman,” the process for choosing the Sin City-inspired Bomberman was a tough one.

“One fan suggested Pole Dancer Bomberman,” says Hudson’s John Lee, “and I get the feeling I know what his favorite past time is.”

Yeah, I don’t know where he’s going with that. I’m not sure what Bomberman or dancing has to do with Polish people, either. These dudes from Hudson are weird, man.

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Nick Chester
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