Black Mesa suffers another delay, Xen to be added in December

Any time now, Mr. Freeman

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The development path of the fan made Half-Life remake, Black Mesa, has been rocky. Being greenlit on Steam years before actually appearing on the service, Crowbar Collective, the dev team behind the game, has been promising to add the infamous “Xen” levels from the original title for almost as long as the mod has been in existence. While they are still dedicated to doing that, it looks like we won’t be getting them during their originally planned summer window.

According to a post on the Steam community forums, Black Mesa‘s final content update should arrive sometime in December. The devs shared some screenshots of their work in progress and made note of a few updates coming to the game today.

Most of that is relegated to better lighting and some color correction to unify all of the different chapters of the game, so its not the most exciting read. Its still wonderful that Valve has allowed this game to exist when so many other companies are insistent on shutting down fan projects. Hopefully for Crowbar, they can finally put an end cap on their tribute to one of gaming’s most influential titles.

Summer Media Update [Steam Community]

About The Author
Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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