Bikinis, volleyball confirmed for Dead or Alive Xtreme 3

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Just in case you were concerned that Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 would not feature Japanese women in bikinis playing volleyball on the beach, I am here to reassure you that Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 will in fact feature Japanese women in bikinis playing volleyball on the beach, as evidenced by these first screenshots, courtesy of 4Gamer.

But wait: you have concerns over which bikini-clad women will make it in, reality show style. It’s true, of 15 possible vacation goers, only 9 get the PTO. To vote, you have to download the glamour shots of your favorites. Nine top downloaded characters make it in the game, which is coming to PlayStation 4 (subtitled Fortune) and PlayStation Vita (subtitled Venus).

It may come west, too.

「DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme」シリーズ最新作となる「DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune/Venus」がそれぞれPS4/PS Vitaで発売決定 [4Gamer]

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Steven Hansen
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