Players can boost their abilities and chances of survival in a Trial in Dead by Daylight if they know the best Perks to use.
Once you’ve gotten your head around the mechanics of a Trial in Dead by Daylight, you’ll start to figure out the smaller details that help you perform better as a Killer or Survivor. One of the most important things to pay attention to is Killer and Survivor Perks, which slightly augment your character to make them more effective in your role. However, some of these are better than others, and it pays to use the best.
The best Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight
Below, I’ve listed what I believe are the ten best Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight based on their versatility and how useful they are to a team in any build. While they might not be what some may see as the meta, they all provide you with a huge benefit in-game that you’ll feel the effects of in every Trial.
10. Deliverance

Deliverance is an Adam Francis Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that helps you get unhooked. First, you must safely unhook another Survivor to activate the Perk. Then, you’ll have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the next escape attempt, which is absolutely wild.
Every attempt to unhook myself has resulted in an injury or moving to the next hook state. It’s horrible. That’s why I run this Perk. It gives me the incentive to unhook others safely instead of rushing in and opens up a chance to trick the Killer with that guaranteed unhook. Bear in mind that it only works once, though, because after that first hook, you’ll go to the second hook state if caught again.
9. Resilience

Resilience is a Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that makes the most of every time you’re injured. It can play into a lot of other Perks that make the most of being injured, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for. Once you’re injured, it grants a boost to all action speeds while you’re in that state.
Even the Very Rare version of this Survivor Perk only provides a 9% boost, but that’s enough to make a significant difference to the rest of a Trial. In most Trials, you’re going to be injured one way or another, so you may as well run a Perk that makes the most of that fact.
8. Corrective Action

Corrective Action is a Jonah Vasquez Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that’s all about assisting fellow Survivors. You start a Trial with one token and gain more for every great Skill Check you perform. Then, when a Survivor fails a normal Skill Check while cooperating with you, a token will be consumed, and the failed Skill Check becomes a good Skill Check.
Skill Checks can be challenging, especially if Killers have Perks on that make them harder. This Survivor Perk negates all of these effects and makes repairing generators and healing so much easier. You just have to be sure that you’re hitting those great Skill Checks.
7. Wiretap

Wiretap is an Ada Wong Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that assists every Survivor. It activates after you complete 50% of a generator. When standing next to a generator, you can install a Wiretap that will show the aura of the Killer when they start to get close.
In practice, you can install the Wiretap while repairing a generator, meaning you’re adding a safety measure to your action. Then, when the Killer gets close but not close enough for you to register their Terror Radius, you can leave without them ever knowing you were there.
It’s a small advantage, but one that will confuse the Killer because of the generators that keep being repaired even though there are no Survivors nearby. If other Survivors see you leave, they’ll know to follow so you can lead the team to a safe escape with this Perk.
6. Prove Thyself

Prove Thyself is a Dwight Fairfield Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that encourages teamwork. For every other Survivor within a small radius, you and every Survivor in range gain a bonus to repair speed. With the Very Rare version of this Perk, you can buff repair speed by 40% with four Survivors.
I don’t think I need to sell this Perk any harder to you. It makes you a buff to every Survivor on the map, provided you’re all repairing generators. It’s a massive help, especially if you’re new to the game, and no one is going to say no to a bit of help.
5. Boon: Circle of Healing

Boon: Circle of Healing is a Mikaela Reid Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that benefits every Survivor in a Trial. It allows you to convert a Dull or Hex Totem into a Boon Totem that grants a bonus to healing speed and healing others within its radius.
This is huge because all Survivors can heal much faster and run rings around the Killer. There’s also the added bonus of being able to see every other Survivor’s aura within the radius, meaning you can work together no matter where you are and strategize based on your team’s movements.
4. Dramaturgy

Dramaturgy is a Nicolas Cage Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight. It’s possibly one of the most complicated Perks in the game but also one of the most rewarding. While running, you can press the active ability button to gain Haste for a short period and also trigger an unknown effect.
This unknown effect can lead to your Survivor screaming for no reason, gaining further Haste, becoming Exposed, or getting a random item. It’s this random item that makes the Perk so useful because you can enter a Trial with nothing and use Dramaturgy to get a Flashlight, Med-Kit, or something else that changes the game for you.
While the randomized nature of the Perk isn’t especially helpful, the times I’ve had it work in my favor have seen me gain the right item at just the right time. It’s improv at its finest.
3. Plot Twist

Plot Twist is another Nicolas Cage Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that helps you make the most of being injured. The Perk only activates once you’re injured, allowing you to deliberately put yourself into the dying state after standing still.
Normally, this would be a terrible situation, but you can fully recover from the dying state back to the injured state with 50% Haste for a few seconds. This is awesome because you can escape the Killer after being hooked or hit and then bring yourself back up to full health without anyone else. It will ruin the Killer’s plans and put you in a great position.
2. Chemical Trap

Chemical Trap is an Ellen Ripley Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight that capitalizes on the Killer’s tenacity towards the end of a Trial. It becomes active once you’ve repaired 50% of a generator, so you should have it when you need it. Once active, you can drop a pallet and place a Trap on it that remains there for 120 seconds on the Very Rare version of the Perk.
If the Killer breaks the pallet, they’ll be stunned, allowing all Survivors to escape them. I can’t tell you the number of times this has saved my bacon. It’s an incredibly useful Perk that completely changes the game as a Survivor. No longer are you worried about being tracked down by the Killer, you can take the fight back to them.
It works best to keep your trap until you absolutely need it. You can then use it to stun the Killer when they get too close to you or a teammate and then kite them into the trap. Really, it just works well for flipping the role of control in a Trial.
1. Invocation: Weaving Spiders

Invocation: Weaving Spiders is the most powerful Survivor Perk in Dead by Daylight, in my opinion. As all Invocation Perks do, it requires you to head to the basement of the Killer’s Shack to activate. Once triggered, the Perk reduces the maximum required generator charges of all generators by 8.
This is a crazy-powerful Perk because it reduces how long you and every Survivor in the Trial must spend at a generator repairing it. Even if you’re on the last one, that speed boost will help you circumvent whatever plans the Killer has.
The downside of injuries and the time taken to activate can be countered by heading to the Killer’s Shack as quickly as possible at the start of a Trial to make the most of it. I run this on every Survivor when I play, and it’s never let me down, mostly because Killers don’t expect you to actively head to and sit in the Killer’s Shack.
How to unlock Survivor Perks for all Survivors

Some Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight are locked to specific characters. However, you can unlock these for every Survivor you have access to by Prestiging that character once. To Prestige a character, you must reach level 50 in the Bloodbweb and then pay the final 20,000 Bloodpoints for the last level that unlocks their Perks.
This will allow you to use character-specific Perks on any Survivor. I really love this feature because it gives me the chance to use the best build that works for me on any Survivor I choose. That way, I can have the best Survivor Perks and the best cosmetics on show in every Trial.
Published: Apr 11, 2024 10:10 am