If V is going to survive as a merc in Cyberpunk 2077‘s Night City, they’re going to need some cyberware. Just like Maine said to David in Edgerunners, there’s only so far your meat will take you. Cyberware can completely alter the gameplay of this FPS RPG. Since the 2.0 Update, things like total armor have also been made dependent on V’s cyberware, making it even more critical. All that said, only Ripperdocs can install cyberware. Here’s where to find the best of the best.

Do all Ripperdocs in Cyberpunk 2077 have the same inventory?
One of my favorite features in the 2.0 Update is a huge quality-of-life improvement. It would appear that all of the Ripperdocs in Night City have either unionized or now work off a profit-sharing system as they all carry the exact same inventory. No matter if you’re in Watson or the Badlands, you won’t miss out on a critical piece of chrome.
It’s one thing I wish that CD Projekt Red would do for the rest of the vendors in the game. I understand that it’s more immersive to have different clothing vendors carry unique stock based on where they are in Night City. However, I don’t want to be bouncing between Fast Travel points looking for new threads. At the very least, add a shop’s inventory to an online shopping portal available from V’s apartment once you visit in person.
Alas, there’s your answer. The 2.0 Update is free to anyone with Cyberpunk 2077. If you haven’t played in several months and are looking for a reason to, this is one of many. Go get some preem chrome, chooms.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 12:07 pm