Best Buy Halo 3 launch event giveaway goodies listed

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Destructoid reader Glum Funk was kind enough to pass along some details from the Best Buy “Launch Playbook” on the give-away items that will be distributed to customers attending Best Buy’s midnight Halo 3 launch events. 

First off, each store is supposed to receive 25 inflatable gamer chairs, which are supposed to be given to the first 25 customers in line to support an advertised promotion. Aside from the fact that they’re co-branded with Halo 3 and Best Buy logos, we don’t know much more about these chairs. At least you’ll have a place to sit all night.

Participating stores are also to receive a “consumer launch kit,” which will contain several different types of give-away items to be handed to line-waiting customers. The kit will be packed Halo 3 t-shirts, Halo 3 hats, “molecular ball” hand toys, Halo 3 bamsticks (those damned noisemakers), and Verizon Halo 3 pass-out cards (for Halo 3-themed ringtones, wallpapers, etc). The word is that there is a one-per-customer limit on these goodies, and each of them should get their pick from 100 shirts, 100 hats, 50 balls and 50 bamsticks. 

Judging from this information, you’ll need to be early in line to get your hands on these goodies.

[thanks again, Glum Funk] 

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Dale North
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