Best Buy exclusive Let’s Tap pad freaking sucks

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Hey, you know that exclusive Limited Edition version of Let’s Tap that Best Buy has? Yeah? It sucks. All you get is an extra piece of paper with the game’s logo.

I know Jonathan Holmes brought this up the other night when he talked about it, but I had no clue how sh*tty the thing was until I saw the unboxing video from GiantBomb. Seriously?! What the hell? Since when is including a piece of paper count as a “Limited Edition”? The Wiimote barely even fits on the paper!

Check out the GiantBomb video after the break where they play Let’s Tap using the Limited Edition pad. The GB crew also use various boxes to see what kind of box is best to play the game. Hopefully, you have a giant box sitting at home. Otherwise, you’re not going to have any fun when playing Let’s Tap

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Hamza Aziz
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