Because of Sup Holmes, Mighty Switch Force! HD is 50% off

Jonathan Holmes gives you deep discounts

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Jonathan Holmes is made of candy and sunshine. When he smiles, the world smiles back. He can walk into any convenience store, pick exactly 27 items off the shelf, walk past the register without paying, and the clerk will happily open the door for him. We all live to please Jonathan Holmes.

So it comes as no surprise that Jonathan Holmes is directly responsible for the 50% discount currently applied to Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition on the Wii U eShop. The game’s director, Austin Ivansmith, feels so blessed to be this Sunday’s guest on Sup Holmes that he decided to slash the game’s price from $9.99 to $4.99 in both the US and Europe for a limited time. WayForward might as well rename it Mighty Switch Holmes! Holmes Divine Edition.

We should all count ourselves lucky for having Jonathan Holmes in our lives.

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Tony Ponce
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