I was totally unaware that the BBC got owned in the face when it was revealed that a number of its phone-in competitions were fakes. That’s hilarious, especially as the good old British Broadcasting Corporation is a huge pile of rubbish that’s put out about two worthy shows in the past five years. Fresh off the heels of its thievery scandal, however, the BBC is due to attempt gaming of a different sort as it plans to make a large foray into the realm of computer games.
While my dream is for Eastenders Extend Extra or a Bargain Hunt where Tim Wonnacott sneaks up on antiques and shivs them in the neck, I shall have to wait until next week to see what the BBC’s media boss, Simon Nelson, has in store for gamers who love to pay unfair television license fees and watch tennis on both BBC1 and 2 as if any single sport is that important. August 14th is the reveal date, as I feel the earth shatter with excitement from gamers the world over.
[Danke, Action Bastard]