Awesomenauts sure has come a long way in its first year

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Happy birthday!

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This past week, Awesomenauts turned one. Looking back, Ronimo has done a tremendous job with continuing to support the title on Windows and Mac. (I feel terrible for folks who only have access to it on consoles.) Despite not caring for some of the new characters, enough have been introduced that, to this day, I still actively play, engaged as ever.

To celebrate, the studio has shared a video showcasing the progression from GDC 2010 up to the present day. It’s crazy to look back at some of the earlier footage here — it’s rough as hell but still has a hint of the Awesomenauts we ended up with.

“We’re just getting started.” That right there signals the continued death of my free time.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.