Awesomenauts can now get new character skins on Steam

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If you happened to notice Awesomenauts updating on Steam but didn’t bother to check what that was all about, here’s your answer: character skins. While the designs are pretty good overall, I have a special place in my heart for Gnaw, who can now look like a precious little bee. So cute!

Each Awesomenaut skin can be purchased individually ($2.49) or in a bundle (all nine for $14.99). Here’s the full list by their new names: Disco Voltar, Grandmaster Splash, Officer Lonestar, Kosmonaut Yuri, Coco Hawaii, Bumble Gnaw, Hot Rod Derpl, Musketeer Leon, and Expendable Clunk.

While those prices aren’t exactly inexpensive, Ronimo Games has been good to us with free content updates so far, especially on Steam.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.