A few evenings ago, David Houghton and myself, representing Destructoid and Gamers For Gaming, sat down with Mike Jaret of Running With Scissors, a man currently working as product manager for the upcoming Postal 3. The guys behind the notorious Postal series are no strangers to controversy, with their series the subject of lawsuits and bans across the world. Jaret had some things to say about the recent controversies and gaming’s place in the modern world of media, and we were here to gladly listen.
Not only do we discuss the Manhunt 2 and Dark Sector situations, we talk about the need for more solid standards in the ESRB, the comparison between movies and games, and the effect of videogames on children. You might be interested to know that the people responsible for Postal aren’t all “F*ck yeah let’s traumatize a nation, baby!” Now, if only Mr. Jaret could be more convinced of the GFG campaign, things would have been perfect.
You can download the interview from Destructoid:
Additional mirrors HERE and HERE.
[Editor’s Note: For our first interview, I think David and I did okay. Forgive the audio quality, blame it on us being British and Skype being unable to handle the tea-drinking imperial greatness. The interview was recorded by my good friend, Jeremy Wesler-Buck, and edited together by my Morphine Nation compadre, Danman.]