Art Attack Friday: JoPereira

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Meet JoPereira, drawer of all things super cute. Browsing through his deviantART, you’ll see that JoPereira likes taking a lot of the Team Fortress 2 characters and turning them into the opposite sex. There’s even some cute Zerg drawings too (cute and Zerg rarely go in the same sentence).

JoPereira also has a Web comic site called NerfNOW!! The comic started up in February and are mostly textless comics. The main story lines tend to deal with Team Fortress 2, but there are random ones like this hilarious Castlevania Jeopardy piece and there’s a very serious one about some poor defenseless Zerglings.

The latest story arch deals with Mega Man 9 and shows how Dr. Light (or Right if you are from Japan … ) is really the bad guy. 

Check out some of JoPereira’s work in the gallery above or at his Web sites. What did you think of this weeks artist? 

[Thanks, Pedro!]

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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