Arma devs freed on bail after 130 days in prison

Charges still stand against Bohemia pair

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After spending 130 in a Greek prison, Bohemia Interactive developers Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta have been released on a €5000/$6,672/£4160 bail. The charges against artist Pezlar and creative director Buchta still stand, however, and they will have to return to Greece later in the year to appear in court.

There was initially some confusion as to why Pezlar and Buchta were on the Greek island of Lemnos, where they were arrested after allegedly photographing military installations. Bohemia Interactive downplayed the visit to the island by claiming this was a genuine vacation, rather than a research trip despite the fact that the still-in-development Arma 3 will be set on Lemnos. 

A community website titled campaigned for the pair’s release and they have some photos and videos of the Pezlar and Buchta leaving Greece. As stated earlier, the two will have to return to appear in court but a current strike by Greek judges means that date is unclear.

Game makers released from Greek jail [BBC]

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Alasdair Duncan
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