Halloween is almost here, which means goofy theme costumes and toys. Angry Birds is jumping on the bandwagon with themed plushes, and if that isn’t enough for you, costumes. So you can decorate your house with little costumed birds and pigs, or be one. The costumes, for children and adults, range in price from $24.99 to $49.99, while the plushes are $15.99 or $17.99 for single birds (at 5″ or 8″ respectively) or $59.99 and $75.99 for the sets of four.
The plushes are cute, I won’t deny that, but I don’t get the costumes at all. I like Angry Birds, its a fun game but really? Costumes? I didn’t mind the shirts, but this is getting a little ridiculous. The best way to turn me off on something is to over saturate the market, and that is a thing Rivio is doing with their game.
Trick or treat with limited edition Halloween Angry Birds plushes [Tomopop]