Let’s take a look at what’s inside last month’s mystery box
At the end of February, I finally received my long-awaited Loot Crate in the mail!
If you’re not familiar with what exactly a Loot Crate is, it’s a monthly subscription box full of nerdy toys and items. Each one has a variety of things to sort through including figures, coupon codes, and sometimes t-shirts. Once a month they even give away a huge box of goodies called a Mega Crate, which is usually filled with top-notch gadgets and consoles.
One day, I hope I win one of them. For now, let’s talk about all the stuff I got in this month’s box!
First up, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
Now, I had a hard time believing it wasn’t exactly like The Hunger Games. However, after reading some of your comments, you guys all told me it was good. After looking more into it, it definitely sounds like a book I want to read. It also doesn’t sound anything like The Hunger Games so it has my stamp of approval.
It you’re not sure what it’s about, the book takes place in 2044 and follows the story of a character named Wade Watts. Him, like most people in that time era, spend most of their lives in an online world called OASIS. One day Watts has a dream about an easter egg hidden within the game, put there by the creator of this virtual reality. Whoever ends up finding it receives the developer’s entire estate along with full control over OASIS.
Cool, right? I totally regret not buying this earlier.
Next, we had this little Munny figure. The point of them is to draw whatever design makes you happy, and either keep it, or erase it all and start over!
They’re perfect gifts to give to your artist friends. I for one am anything but an artist. As you can see in my video and the picture above, I had no clue what I was doing. What I did not know until days after, is that you can take off all of the marker. So, I may have another go at it and attempt to do a bit better than last time. No promises.
Third item I took out of the box, my biggest enemy: The Hexbug.
I despise these things! They’re scary and don’t serve much of a purpose. You turn it on, and it sounds like it’s going to kill you. Its wheels, or feet rather, start to spin uncontrollably and you just let it have its way on the ground.
There are no specific controls whatsoever, so there you have it. A micro, terrifying robot with no cause at all. It did keep my little sister entertained, though.
Second to last we had probably my favorite thing in the box besides the book. I have yet to play Firefly Online, but when I do, I’m for sure using this coupon code they threw in the Loot Crate.
It contains a code on the back that offers a premium ship. Short, sweet, simple. Plus, it didn’t attack me so how cool is that?
Last in the box, we had a game called Superfight.
Now, in the video I didn’t go into much detail about it because I had no clue how to play it nor explain it. But, I was right. It’s basically like Cards Against Humanity but with superheroes, comic books, and so much more in the pop culture universe. You have character pieces to play with and move up on the map (it’s rolled up in the picture). It also came with dice, and different colored cards with random words on them.
I gave February’s box a 7 out of 10, mostly because I felt as if there wasn’t a lot of stuff in there as usual, and most of the things included weren’t right up my alley. I can’t really draw, the Hexbug was kind of intense yet pointless, and I may never get the chance to play the game. However, the Firefly coupon and Ready Player One made up for all of that, in my opinion.
I know that not every box is going to appeal to me, but I hope that you enjoyed everything in February’s Loot Crate! Let’s just hope March’s doesn’t have any terrifying mechanical bugs in it.
You can get your very own Loot Crate here!