Also, Cocks: The T-Shirt, and unfortunately there’s also a haiku

Available now at the Dtoid Merch shop

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Once uttered by Boll,
Destructoid’s famous motto.
“Also, cocks;” our phrase.

Our latest t-shirt,
Created by Ashley Hay,
Available now.

It’s quite evident,
We’re not ones for subtlety.
The message is clear.

Yet still it’s quite cute,
Just so highly endearing.
A classic, reborn.

In green, black, and white,
On mugs, towels, hoodies, and more,
From our new merch store.

Thanks for the feedback,
To those on our new forums,
It helped us a tonne.

On Dtoid’s merch store,
There’s many sexy designs.
Thanks for the support!

Shilling in haiku,
God help me, why’d I try this?
There’s a clear reason.

Ghost of Tsushima,
Occupies all my free time.
I have a problem.

This post’s at an end.
So, in those immortal words;
“Also, cocks.” Goodbye.

About The Author
Lilian C
More Stories by Lilian C