The Great Vault is one of the best sources of high-end loot in WoW: The War Within, but earning the potential rewards you can get from it requires some effort on your part. Here’s how the Great Vault works, and how you can earn all the possible loot choices from it.
How to Unlock Great Vault Rewards in WoW: The War Within
Although added several years ago in one of WoW’s many expansions, the Great Vault continues to act as the great counterbalance toward unlucky RNG. Even if you do everything you can in The War Within every week, you may never see the loot you’re searching for drop. As such, the Great Vault ensures that all players can earn at least one high-end piece of loot every week if they are participating in the expansions of various end-game activities.

The Great Vault contains three sections that you can choose loot from Raids, Dungeons, and World. I will explain how you can unlock loot from all three sections below. Note that you can only pick one piece of loot per week from the Great Vault.

Participation in the current raid (Nerub-ar Palace) will see you earn the right to choose a piece of loot from it through the Great Vault. You can get up to three choices, with all three being random gear drops from the raid itself and no where else. This limits the loot table for this section to solely to only raid drops.
To earn the three sections available, you must defeat bosses in the raid.
- Defeat 2 Nerub-ar Palace Bosses – Unlocks the leftmost choice under Raid
- Defeat 4 Nerub-ar Palace Bosses – Unlocks the middle section under Raid
- Defeat 6 Nerub-ar Palace Bosses – Unlocks the rightmost section under Raid
These requirements can be met by simply completing LFR (Looking for Raid), but the ilvl (item level) of the options will be increased if you meet these requirements on higher difficulties. For example, defeating 2 Nerub-ar Palace bosses on Heroic difficulty will upgrade the leftmost section to Heroic difficulty level loot (610), instead of Normal level loot (597). This encourages you to do harder content for better options from the Great Vault.

This section of the Great Vault pertains to participation in Heroic, Mythic, Timewalking, and Mythic+ level dungeons, with each increasing difficulty offering better rewards upon completion of the required objectives.
- Complete 1 Heroic or Mythic Dungeon – Unlocks the leftmost section under Dungeon
- Complete 4 Heroic or Mythic Dungeons – Unlocks the middle section under Dungeon
- Complete 8 Heroic or Mythic Dungeons – Unlocks the rightmost section under Dungeon
In the case of Mythic level dungeons, completing more difficult Mythic+ content will earn you better options via the Great Vault.

The World section of the Great Vault pertains to participation in World-based content, such as World Quest, and Delves, The War Within‘s newest content pillar. Delves are divided into tiers of difficulty, with Tier 8 currently being the highest level you need to reach to earn the best loot from the Great Vault. Completion of a certain number of Delves will earn you the right to choose high-end loot from them.
- Complete 2 Delves or World Activities – Unlocks the leftmost section under World
- Complete 4 Delves or World Activities – Unlocks the middle section under World
- Complete 8 Delves or World Activities – Unlocks the rightmost section under World
How to get loot from the Great Vault in WoW: The War Within
If you decide to complete all of the objectives listed above for all three sections of the Great vault, you will have a total of nine choices for loot. Loot from the Great Vault is distributed after every Tuesday Maintenance, which means you will not be able to pick your choice until then. You can, however, check your Great Vault progress by going to it directly in Dorongal (/way 54, 42) or accessing via the Dungeon menu (Mythic+ Dungeons, Delves), and clicking on the lock.

As mentioned earlier, you can only pick one of the nine options available to you, so make sure to choose wisely. This process repeats every single week, and when new content is released, loot from it will also be expanded into the Great Vault automatically.
Published: Sep 17, 2024 12:47 pm