All Starhawk DLC maps to be released for free

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Starhawk hit store shelves in North America today and with the release comes great news for its long-term prospects, as it has been announced that all future map content will be made available free of charge. 

In a post on the official Starhawk blog, Lightbox acknowledged a division in the Warhawk community which arose whenever new maps were released, with some players electing not to purchase packs causing a fragmentation. Seeking to prevent this with Starhawk, they’re just going to make those map packs free now.

Lightbox did state some paid DLC is planned for the future, so there will still be opportunities for you to give them more of your money down the road. In the meantime, go shoot each other, safe in the knowledge that everybody will have the same playing field.

All Starhawk map packs will be free! [Starhawk blog]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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